Team Training

Through years of experience working directly with CEOs, VPs, and managers, we are uniquely qualified to help you and your organization perform better, build collaboration, and develop teams through programs and processes.

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Everything DiSC®

At Pivot Growth Partners, we help business leaders and owners shape, grow, and communicate with key talent. We partner with our clients to bring about positive change for the individual, the team, and the organization through one-on-one coaching, group training, or assessment.

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The Five Behaviors

Your Team Can Do Better. The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ is an assessment-based learning experience that helps individuals and organizations reveal what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team in the most approachable, competent, and effective way possible.

Build a cohesive team now »

Develop Emotional Intelligence

Our Leadership Coaching model is based on the Intentional Change Theory developed by Richard Boyatzis, distinguished author of Primal Leadership and Resonant Leadership, which develops resonant leaders using emotional and social intelligence competencies as cornerstones of the coaching techniques, processes, and concepts.

Become a resonant leader now »

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Explore Other Training Services

Our team development workshops and tools strengthen and align organizations:

Building an Environment of Trust/Respecting Our Differences

Focus on shared values and vision, individual contributions and strengths, and collective purpose.

Bullying in the Workplace

Understand the signs and symptoms of workplace bullying, and get answers on how to address it systematically through your company, or managed group, as well as on a personal level.

Crucial Communication

Success in business comes down to communicating effectively. From front-line customer service and client relationships, to email and voicemail, great communication is essential. This training will help you understand and learn many of the successes of effective communication, and the pitfalls of poor communication.

Coaching a Culture of Excellence

Define what excellence means in your organization, department or team, then set performance metrics or markers for the team or individual, followed by a plan for feedback and coaching, measurements, and recognition.

Creating Accountability

Reconsider mandates and create choices, inviting participation and buy in on a much larger scale than threats and punishments.

Developing Internal Customer Focus

Many organizations focus on developing relationships with outside business partners; but they fail to look closely at internal relationships among departments or teams. This training focuses on creating greater synergy within business units and supports the notion that no department works in isolation.

Multi-Generational Workplaces

Employee dynamics and mind-sets have changed from Baby Boomers to Generation Xers to Millennials. The needs and wants of every generation changes with society and technology. A savvy manager will learn how to manage through the different “cultures” and learn how to negotiate, coach, and inspire every generation.

Team Building

Learn how to create a positive and constructive environment of value, trust, and respect.